Within 24 hours of its launch by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the country’s “fastest train” Indian Railways’ Vande Bharat Express, suffered a breakdown on its inaugural run, reports in Indian media said.
The Vande Bharat Express, which is claimed to be the fastest train in the country, was returning from Varanasi to New Delhi when it experienced an issue.
Railways Min: Vande Bharat Express was standing 18km from Tundla since 6.30 am. There seems to be disruption due to a possible cattle run over. It wasn’t a scheduled commercial run. Commercial ops begin from 17 Feb. After removing obstacle, journey to Delhi resumed around 8.15 am pic.twitter.com/jxLBD9Cg8v
— ANI (@ANI) February 16, 2019
This technical fault led to brake locking and the first four coaches witnessed a complete power failure, a source told India’s The Print Magazine, adding that a group of journalists who were also aboard Train 18 were shifted to other trains to return to Delhi.
India’s railway ministry issued a statement saying that the “disruption” was due to a possible cattle run over.
The ministry also claimed that it was not a regular run and that the train will start its regular run from Sunday.
“India’s First Semi High Speed train Vande Bharat Express completed its inaugural trip to Varanasi and returned back to New Delhi. Looking forward to its regular run from tomorrow” read a tweet posted from the ministry’s account.
India’s First Semi High Speed train Vande Bharat Express completed its inaugural trip to Varanasi and returned back to New Delhi. Looking forward to its regular run from tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/Q8IppxIbxX
— Ministry of Railways (@RailMinIndia) February 16, 2019
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